The imagery in this piece for my friend Kyle should be easily recognizable to anybody who's ever seen a movie poster in their life. Kyle's favorite movie of all time is Jaws, which I don't think anybody can argue as a bad choice for a favorite film. If you've been hanging around my site for a while then you know that the characters in this parody piece are my own original creations, female human Oly and fish creature Ernie from the Black Lagoon.
Kyle is the self-proclaimed number one Glen Brogan artwork fan, a claim that I think I have to agree with. He has been more supportive of me and my work than just about anyone else I can think of, and will always go out of his way to help me or encourage me when I need it, and even when I don't need it, just to make sure there's nothing he can do to be of assistance while I spend long hours doodling at my computer.
Just recently he joked that he has the "second largest Glen Brogan art collection in the world," with the first belonging to myself by default, if that even counts. And it's true, as his house is covered in framed and unframed, hung and unhung pieces of my work. It's really cool to me that I could do this drawing of my own characters for him and he's just as excited as if I had drawn any other pop-culture franchise that he enjoys.
So thanks, Kyle.
Any time, GB.
Kyle sounds like a sweetheart, and that Creature/Ernie is very funny.
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