Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Increased intrest and Such
But I have to say that it has been really great getting comments from new people, and today I was even informed that I've been blogged about. Because of this new interest I would really like to start adding some new art for people to look at, I just have to come up with the time. I've done some art pieces here and there lately, but it's mainly stuff for for Cubees or T shirts (and somehow I squeezed a quick cartoon in there.) If people are going to be cool enough to want to check out my site on a regular basis I really want to give them something to look at.
Also some of you may have noticed that I always cross post on both here and Facebook because, well, everyone checks Facebook while most can't be bothered with making the long and arduous journey that is typing in a new URL.
But yeah, I need to get some new things going. Lots of artists have websites where they do nothing but show off their art, so I need to figure out what that extra little ingredient is.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Xzibit: 'I Don't Believe In Aliens'

This is probably my favorite article of all time:
Rapper-turned-actor Xzibit is convinced aliens do not exist - because black people are never involved in "abductions".
The 33-year-old star - real name Alvin Joiner - plays an FBI agent in a forthcoming movie adaptation of hit U.S.TV series The X-Files.
But the Pimp My Ride host's role in the sci-fi picture wasn't enough to spark his belief in the supernatural.
He says, "I don't believe in aliens. I don't think aliens or ghosts like black people. We never get abducted. Our houses never get haunted.
"It always happens in rural areas, where no ethnic people live. The day I see somebody from South Central Los Angeles say, 'Man, I got abducted yesterday,' then I'll believe it."
photo by Josh
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I've been Blogged about
He also posted my Duck Hunt dog Cubee, and so soon that I barely even had mine put together yet. Also it seems I will be part of his "Designer Series" that will be appearing soon.

I was on the phone with Mike yesterday and we were discussing the possible turnout for the Johnny Boy showing this Saturday based on the Facebook Event. He came up with a Facebook Events response equivalence table which I will now share with you:
Attending = Not coming
Maybe = I hate you
Not Attending = I will murder you the next time I see you.
In my experience I have found this to be quite accurate.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
My first fan art?
Frank and I were forwarded this email today from somebody in an "art department" who loves the Cubeecraft site. It was " in honor of Friday the 13th." As you might know, Frank designed the Jason and I designed the PeeWee.
Down the River
I don’t fully understand what happened or why, but I am thankful.
Also my Space Ghost has been posted.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Glen commented on his own note Bragging
The hotel we stayed at was enormous; it had its own ballroom and a sizeable pamphlet rack! However, they screwed up and couldn’t give us a room with two beds, so we got one great big bed and a roll-away. We all three fit in the giant bed, but that probably would have led to some awkward looks in the morning…
Our first evening we headed to Chili’s for dinner where we were treated to a FREE meal because the restaurant had just opened and it was the first day on the job for every employee in the place. Oddly enough one the rules of eating for free was that we each had to order from a specific page of the menu, but luckily I got the sandwich and burger page.
Our first full day we headed into NYC and hit all the usual spots, some of which Ally hadn’t seen on her previous visit. I have to say, it’s odd being there when it’s actually hot. The smell of the city is much more…prevalent.
That evening we visited the Muter Museum in downtown Philly which was amazing. It’s a Victorian style medical museum full of oddities and skull collections and various items removed from the body. I saw lots of things there that I don’t think I could ever describe to another human being; a whole lot of dead babies in jars staring back at me, begging me to honor their memory and contribution to medical science by buying something in the gift shop.
The cross sections of anuses and models of pus-filled eyes having made us hungry, we ate at The Famous King of Pizza! And hit the sack so we could wake up and attend Wizard World Philly the next day. The convention was pretty big, but not very dense…we saw everything pretty quickly. And really all I needed to see was the Flux Capacitor replica that is now above my mantle.
We headed home and rested up, then decided to take another road trip on Monday to see M.C. Chris perform in Columbus. I have to say he puts on a great show, really funny guy. I’m not a huge fan or anything but I was really glad I went. He spent a good eight minutes explaining the plot of the new 50 cent video game to us, and we also saw him wandering around outside before and after the show.
On to other news, my new Mario 3 shirt is going to be produced by Splitreason this month, and a few more of my Cubees have been posted: Venus Di Milo and Kermit the Frog, as well as Jason by Frank.
There has been a really cool development with the Cubee stuff that is going forward which I am REALLY excited about. I will post more about it when it gets further along.