This is it, the big one. I've been working on this piece forever and I finally put the finishing touches on today. It's my entry for Crazy 4 Cult, one of the most highly regarded pop culture art shows in the country. Soon I will be mailing it off to California, then reuniting with it when I head to the show next month.
SO much crazy happenstance!
this goes down smooth with my morning work coffee :)
this is to amazing for words. So will you have prints available on your site Mr Brogan?
I love the Wizard reference! My favorite childhood (and still current) movie of all time! Great piece!
Love the Penny Cartoon!
featured this work on my blog at
This is awesome...
This is sick!
But I'm rackin' my brain trying to figure out who the three kids riding a dinosaur are...
Hey is this for sale?
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