I have a new T-shirt design up for voting at Splitreason. This one started out as a simple idea and turned into something a little more complex. When my designs go up for voting I always get the inevitable complaints (you just can't make everybody happy) but I sort of feel like I'm throwing myself to the wolves with this one. The reason being that I had to come up with rules for what I should and shouldn't include as part of Mario's wardrobe. I wanted to include as many of his power-ups as possible, but the main rule I had to follow was that I couldn't include things that actually transform Mario himself rather that just changing his wardrobe, like the Boo mushroom from Mario Galaxy that turns him into a ghost. So I've mentally prepared myself for the barage of "OMG WHY DIDNT U INCLUDE THIS 1 ON THERE U R DUM." I don't mind constructive critisicm, but sometimes it feels like people complain just to do it. If only they knew how much thought I actually put into these!
You can vote here.
And thanks to all the people who do vote, and offer well thought out comments.
UPDATE: Wow, it has been brought to my attention that this design is blowing up huge, actually reaching the #3 spot on Digg this morning in all categories! Thanks so much to everybody for your interest, and don't forget to vote! Also I've read all the comments requesting a poster/print and I will pass the sentiment on to Splitreason. They do offer some prints of my work, and as I have officialy submitted this to them it is more in their hands than mine at this point, but I will surely talk to them about it.
Great pic! Where's FLUDD? :D
Nice Design!!!
Hahah. :)
Over on Splitreason someone has already asked where the "metal Mario" suit is, so I explained that I represented it with the hat.
Of course someone has also told me that my "font color" is bad, and there's not a single word or letter in the whole thing.
I expect to get asked about FLUDD a lot; I didn't include it because I felt like it was more of a tool that something he wore (even though he did wear it technically) and I didn't want to open the flood gates (pun not intended) for people asking "then why not include ______?"
i'm sooo gonna order this if it gets approved, i'll go over to vote right now :D
I would buy this in a heartbeat as a tshirt and especially as a framed print.
Please, please make this a wallpaper. I'm plotzing over here!
just awesome.
i would love a printed picture on some nice card stock. i'd wear the t-shirt too but i'd prefer something to go on my mantle next to all my mario figurines, stuffed animals, and collectibles.
I would like to put my vote in for a print too. But I'll probably get a shirt as well.
Great job all around.
Man, I would KILL for a poster of this -- any chance that's happening? (AIM: rwbrinso if you're going to/are interested!)
Love the Historically accurate red and brown outfit, and also the small mario outfit
2nd the option to buy a framable print of this; also, if you'd make this a wallpaper, I'd REALLY enjoy it.
Thanks a million; great job!
@david: back on Delphino.
Saw this on Digg. Had to stop by and just say amazing!
Would also love to see a Poster/Wallpaper/Frameable print of it!
My vote for a print too! Would so buy!
amazing! let us know if/when it will be available for purchase.
Nice work. Very similar to a design I submitted to Threadless last week, but you did a much more thorough job. Mine:
Add me to the "Need a Print" camp. In fact, I would happily pay you right now for a high-res version that I can print, frame and give to my fiancee as a Christmas present. Please!
please put this on threadless if it doesn't win on splitreason! i doubt it won't win though. i love it. i just hope it comes in woman's as well!
just kidding fantastic work.
Man haven't talked to you in a while, but your designs continue to be crazy awesome! I think I even saw someone wearing Code Red at the movies the other day!
Hey if that MST3K design never gets picked up by SplitReason let me know, I'd be all over doing that one for ya! :D
- Shawn
F the tshirt! I want a print!
Wow that's incredible. I am going to fire up my snes just b/c of this pic. wow.
beautifully put together. love the execution. would buy this without doubt! I've already voted.
a wallpaper version would be great!
Great design! I'm glad you included the Tanooki suit!
and here you have one more for the print request!
Great job, I think the only one you are missing is the referee uniform from Punch out!
It's not nescient; ye are, asses.
Can you still add to your design or are you stuck?
Sorry, but you forgot a bunch:
his dive suit (1981/1997): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_%26_Watch_Gallery_series#Game_.26_Watch_Gallery
his fatigues (1983): http://google.com/images?q=Mario's-Bombs-Away
his first wrecking outfit (1987): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrecking_Crew_(video_game)
his first golfing suit (1985): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golf_(video_game)
his racing suit (1987): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famicom_Grand_Prix:_F-1_Race
his next golfing suit (1991): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NES_Open_Tournament_Golf
his chef's outfit (1992): http://consoleclassix.com/nes/yoshis_cookie.html
his space suit (1992): http://mariowiki.com/Space_Zone
his arkaiologhist suit (1995): http://google.com/images?q=Mario's-Picross
his last wrecking outfit (1998): http://blogs.vandal.net/96132/tag/Mario
his smock (1999): http://google.com/images?q=Mario-Artist
(Oh, and that referee shirt (1987) too.. or not? http://dailynintendo.com/punch-out’s-nes-secrets-revealed "Apparently, the pudgy Italian plumber wasn’t supposed to be in the game. Designer Makoto Wada drew Mario in the game without permission. Iconic Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto added that Nintendo didn’t have an approval system when using Mario images back then, so it went right past his check.")
I hope you know that this picture has gone COMPLETELY viral all across the net: facebook, twitter, blogspot, tumblr, etc. You name it!
Well done, dude. :)
You should definitely make this available as a print! I would buy one in a second.
Here´s another site with you pic posted : http://svarti.tumblr.com/
really awesome!
I too have submitted a similar design to have made into a t-shirt.
Mine wasn't chosen, better luck to you.
Any chance you could render out a 1280 x 800 version for wallpaper? I'd LOVE that!
So Cool!!!
I wanna order a pair of his undies!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
I would love to have this design on a large poster!
Any thoughts to making this a print?
And seriously, this would be amazing as a desktop background.
HOLY CRAP! this is all kinds of Mario Win sir. Genious!
What about his cape from Super Mario World?
and cloud Mario from Super Mario Galaxy 2?
Also Rock Mario could have made an appearance from Super Mario Galaxy 2.
And what is he going to where when he's Mega Mario? He needs a mega suit.
The largest argentine internet company uses this image without credit on its fan page: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151525535103807&set=a.132812528806.112156.48488128806&type=1
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