If you missed it, Click here to check out my account of the first day of shooting (and for more info about the Gone Campin' project in general.)
This time around I was a bit more hands-on and therefore didn't get to take as many photos, but the dramatic lighting of this campfire scene made for a few nice images.
The shooting location was the backyard of Mike's new house, which he literally had just closed on earlier that day. We were all a bit concerned about how his new neighbors would take our strange activities, especially considering it would be their first impression. When you look out your window and see nine people playing around a campfire with puppets you're not likely to turn back towards the TV and think nothing of it. We could hear a few people discussing the scene with concern from their back porches, but luckily they ultimately didn't decide to take any action.
The shoot was a lot of fun but still required a lot of work and stamina on our parts. We were together from about 7 pm to 3 am, and many of us had been up since early that morning working day jobs. Mike and I sat cheek to cheek and in each others laps behind a camping chair in order to work the puppet named Norman while still staying hidden; Mike did the mouth and left hand while I took the right hand and held a small flashlight so Mike could read the lines from the script. Seth took some battle damage as the smoke from the campfire blew into his eyes almost constantly as we were trying to shoot. As always everybody stuck it out to the end and did their part and then some. The vast majority of the footage we need is now in the can and post production work should begin very soon.
To see more photos, videos, music, and info, please check out the official Seth Martin & Friends page on Facebook.
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