These are my pieces for the Autumn Society and Gallery 1988's 3B Show which features artwork based on Back to the Future, Bill and Ted, and Beetlejuice. The show opens next month and is something of a sequel to last year's 3G Show.
For whatever reason I hit a huge creative block when I was trying to come up with ideas for these. Most of the time I'm working on so many things at once that I've already started thinking about ideas for my next project before I finish my current one, but this time I was absolutely stumped. I think partially the problem was anticipating what other people would be doing and trying to do something different, while also feeling a lot of pressure to create a great piece for Back to the Future, my favorite movie of all time. In the end I tried to just have fun with it and not worry too much, but I can tend to stress about these things. I did decide early on that I wanted to reference Back to the Future 3 since I feel like it doesn't get much attention, and I didn't want to reference Death from Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey despite him being one of my favorite parts (I figured a lot of people would probably want to use him in their pieces as well.)
The artwork I've seen for this show looks amazing. As always, I am honored to be in a show with so many great artists at Gallery1988.
That Beetlejuice piece if FUCKING AMAZING! Wow...
I would like a set of prints!!!! How do I gettem!!!
I'm so glad Back to the Future Part III is getting some attention. Part II drains me every time I see. Most of it takes place at night, characters get murdered, a guy tells a kid to jump off a building at gun point, and a cliffhanger ending with Marty trapped in time. Pretty dark stuff even for me when I was a kid.
Back to the Future III was thankfully nothing like that. It had way better use of using Michael J. Fox twice in the same scene, less literal borrowing from the first film and a pretty epic conclusion. Doc giving Marty the picture that was taken of them next to the clock always brings a smile to my face.
Also, great job on including the sprite from Wild Gunman!
I'd like to second Zach's comment that the Beetlejuice piece if FUCKING AMAZING! Honestly...
The Bill & Ted piece rocks my socks off.
Is there anyway to get a print version of these :(?
i really lovvvvvvvve the beetlejuice one!!!! ! ! ! ! !
Thanks great blog.
It sounds like you overcame some creative challenges and produced wonderful art.
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