Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I've been working through a list of things to accomplish now that I have a little more free time, and I can now check website update off the list.

I've added quite a few things, so this list is just as much for me as it is visitors:

Main Page
* Added links to Carrie's site, Brainwrap, Johnny Boy, Splitreason and Cubeecraft.

Art Page
* Split the "Work" section into three categories, "General" "Splitreason" and "Brainwrap." I had so much work for those two companies that it just seemed to make sense.
* Added one commission piece under Work-General
* Added three shirts under Work-Splitreason
* Added the cast illustration, DVD ad, DVD jacket, and Brainwrap logo to Work-Brainwrap
* Added "Weeding" cartoon to Personal-Flash
* Added Billy Bob piece to Personal-Illustration-Pieces

Voices Page
* Created new section for Cubees
* Created new section for Johnny Boy trailer and show times

Contact Page
*Updated my resumé


Note: I just found out that you can't use the greater-than or less-than symbols in these posts because Blogger thinks you're writing some sort of incomplete HTML tags and flips out. Thanks, Blogger, you're smarter than I am.

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