Thursday, September 25, 2008

Johnny Boy "entertains" a Marshall dorm lounge "full" of students

Last night Michael Chadwyk McClure hosted a showing of Johnny Boy in his dorm lounge. Chad plays Detective Dennison in the movie, the character with the famous death scene that I won't ruin here.

The Brainwrap crew were invited as guest speakers, and all made it but Seth (who was home with a tooth-ache, what a wuss.) For the most part I think the students that showed up were there for the free pizza which Chad graciously provided, but either way a good time was had. Chad also set up a little promotional contest which I was pretty impressed with. Those who attended the Johnny Boy premiere back in April may have stopped by our press table and seen the free stuff we were handing out, including a Johnny Boy Cubee (paper toy that you cut out and construct yourself.) Chadwyk made a few of them and hid them around his dorm building, then put up wanted posters offering a free copy of the movie to those who found the little guys. Apparently the search actually got pretty heated at one point, which I found delightful. I commend you on a job well done, Chad.

He told me, though, that he had trouble finding a copy of the JB Cubee, which lead me to realize that I never actually put one up on the site or really made it available in anyway...somebody actually came to my humble web portal looking for something I made and I didn't have it up. That will be corrected soon.

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