Thursday, March 31, 2011

Messin' With Miis

I bought a Nintendo 3DS and I'm loving it. The experience of playing 3D games is hard to describe in a way that does them any justice, so you'll just have to try it. Unfortunately I've been so busy lately that I've only had to time play after I've climbed into bed. Last night as I enjoyed the two or so hours I get each day where I'm not drawing or sleeping I made a collection of Scott Pilgrim Miis which you see here. If only you could see this photo in its native 3D!

The 3DS has some amazing features hidden inside it, and one is the ability to create and scan QR codes of your Miis. If you have a 3DS you can use the QR option in your Mii Maker application to take a picture of the codes above and transfer the Miis I've made onto your system. Let me know if you try it out!


  1. Just used it thats awesome thanks dude!

  2. Wow! I made some SP Miis the other day... And we made them nearly the same! Sweet!

  3. I like your miis! :) I saved them.
