Friday, June 25, 2010

Extra Terrestrials

A new shirt design up for voting now! It's been a little while since I've completed a shirt idea; I made a promise to myself that I would get one done this month in spite of all the other projects I have going on. Go vote on it here!


  1. That's awesome, Glen. Your art always makes me smile. You're one of my favorite pop culture artists. I hope you don't mind that I reblog a lot of your work (always giving credit, of course).

  2. I would gladly buy this, so I voted on it.

    In fact, I would rather buy it as a poster rather than a t-shirt. Is there any chance I could arrange with you to get a higher-res version so I could buy it as a poster? Please e-mail me (merubin@gmail) if you're interested, because I sure am!

