Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Autumn Society of Philadelphia

My friend Carrie recently linked me to a blog that is the collaborative effort of a large number of amazingly talented artists. It features a ton of pop culture related works, as well as many pieces based on old video games that are being assembled for a show opening today entitled 8 Bit and Beyond. Naturally, I fell in love with the blog instantly as it's exactly the kind of art and subject matter that I concentrate on all the time; both for my personal pieces and for my submissions to

I contacted the email address posted on the Autumn Society's site, and not only did they invite me to join but they actually knew who I was from my work on Splitreason. That was a bit of a trip to say the least.

So from here on out I am also going to be contributing to the Autumn Society Blog which I couldn't be more excited about. I strongly advise everyone to check out their site and look at all the amazing work they post everyday.

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