Saturday, February 28, 2009

Steve and Billy

Continuing my Cubee related posts, Chris has posted my Cubees of Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell from the movie King of Kong. They are blog exclusives on his site but I'll put them up permanently on here once I get back to my own computer in a few days.

Click on the image for the original post and download links.


  1. how many of these have you made now?!

  2. Look in the Cubees section for all the ones I've made Kyle, JEEEZ.

  3. Oh wow, I can't tell you how hard the Billy Mitchell made me laugh.

  4. These are incredible. Now we just need Mr. Awesome.

  5. I also have to give you credit for making Steve Wiebe's really look like him. I know you gave him a DK shirt, but I'm surprised that you were able to take a regular guy with no real discerning features and make him that recognizable.

    My cubees need a Walter Day to separate them.
